2016-04-24来源:江苏美术家网 |
东南大学具有悠久的艺术教育和理论研究传统。早在两江师范学堂阶段,李瑞清校长就开始在我校设立图画手工科,开我国现代艺术教育之先河。在我校历史上,先后有许多艺术大师,如音乐教育家李叔同,戏曲研究和教育家吴梅,美学大师宗白华,绘画大师张大千、徐悲鸿、吕凤子、陈之佛、傅抱石、吴作人、黄君璧等都曾执教于此,为国家培养了大批优秀人才。 20世纪90年代,东南大学成立了艺术学系(1994年)和现代艺术设计研究中心(2004年改为艺术传播系),并建立了我国首家艺术学博士点。2006年9月,东南大学在原艺术学系、艺术传播系的基础上组建艺术学院。目前,艺术学院由动画系、美术系、设计系构成,另设艺术学研究中心、艺术创意研究中心、民俗艺术研究中心、中国书法研究院、戏曲小说研究所、东方文化研究所、文化产业研究所、旅游与景观研究所等学术研究机构,共有专职教师54位,其中教授13位、副教授19位,讲师21位,助教1位。70%以上的教师拥有博士学位,40%以上的教师具有海外留学背景或博士后研究经历。 东南大学艺术学院是艺术教育和研究的专门机构,拥有艺术学博士后流动站、艺术学理论一级学科博士学位授权点、美术学和设计学两个一级学科硕士学位授权点、MFA(艺术硕士)授权点,有动画、工业(艺术)设计、美术学三个本科专业。 东南大学艺术学院主持、参与并完成国家级科研项目9项、省部级项目16项,在研国家级重点科研项目1项、国家级一般科研项目5项、省部级项目40余项, 全院教师获省、部级以上科研奖15项、出版学术著作100余种、出版教材20余种、发表学术论文1000余篇。艺术学院所培养的许多优秀博士生和硕士生已成为我国艺术史论研究的领军人物,所培养的许多优秀本科生已成为我国艺术实践领域的骨干力量。 东南大学艺术学院所拥有的艺术学科在2008年教育部研究生教育学科排名中名列第三,从“十五”到“十二五”,连续两届被评为江苏省重点学科。2007年,艺术学与伦理学联盟,圆满完成教育部“985工程二期”“科技、伦理与艺术”哲学社会科学创新基地项目。2007年东南大学艺术学被教育部增列为国家重点学科,该学科是江苏省截止目前唯一的艺术类国家重点学科,也是全国唯一一家属于艺术学理论的国家重点学科。学院现主持国家“985工程三期”“艺术与创意产业研究”哲学社会科学基地项目、国家“211工程”“艺术学理论创新与应用研究”平台项目、江苏省高校哲学社会科学重点研究基地项目。2011年,艺术学理论学科被评为江苏省一级学科重点学科。 东南大学艺术学院实行开放的教学与研究政策。在科学研究与艺术教育方面,与国内外著名高校、科研院所和文化企事业单位都有密切的合作关系。目前,东南大学艺术学院已成长为我国艺术教育和研究的重镇。东南大学艺术学院将力求团结海内外朋友,共同推动艺术研究和教育事业的蓬勃发展。 Welcome to the School of Arts, Southeast University Southeast University (SEU) has a long history of art education and art research. As early as the beginning of the twentieth century, when the Lianjiang Normal School, being the second stage in the history of SEU, was set up, the then president of the school Li Rui-qing, established a branch of painting and handicraft teaching, which was the earliest art education in modern China. In the century-old history, many masters of art taught in SEU, such as Li Shu-tong, the famous music educator; Wu-Mei, a specialist in Chinese opera and education, the great artists Zong Bai-hua and Lǔ Feng-zi, and some other famous figures such as Cheng Zhi-fo, Xu Bei-hong, Fu Bao-shi, Wu Zuo-ren. They trained a large number of talents and thus made a significant contribution to Chinese education. In the 1990s, both "Department of Art Study" and "The Center of Modern Art and Design" (in 2004 the center was renamed Department of Art and Communication ) were established at Southeast University. The first doctoral degree program of art study was established here in China. In September 2006, Department of Art Study and Department of Art and Media merged into School of Arts. The School now consists of three departments and some research centers and institutions, they are Department of Animation, Department of Design, and Department of Fine Arts, Research Center for Art Study, Research Center for Creative Arts , Folk Art Research Center , Research Institute of Chinese calligraphy , Opera Novels Institute , Institute of Oriental Culture , Institute of Cultural Industry , Tourism and Landscape Institute and other academic research institutions. There are 13 professors, 19 associate professors,21 lecturers and 1 teaching assistant of the total 54 full time faculty working in the School. More than 70% of teachers have doctoral degrees, 40 % of teachers have overseas post-doctoral research experience or similar background. Being a specialized agencies of arts education and research, our School offers degree programs from undergraduate to Ph. D besides a mobile post-doctoral station of Art Study. It has the authorities to launch Ph. D Program of first-class disciplines in Theoretical Art Study and Master Programs of first-class disciplines in Fine Arts Study and Design Study besides a MFA(Master of Fine Arts) Program. At the level of undergraduate education, there are three BA programs: Animation, Industrial Design, and Fine arts. The faculty members of the school have presided over and accomplished 9 national level and 16 provincial level research projects in the field of arts; 1 key and 5 average national projects and 40 provincial projects are under research. We have won 15 prizes and awards for academic research at the provincial and national levels, published more than 100 academic monographs, 20 textbooks and 1000 academic papers. It shows that some of our alumni who had won Ph. D and MA degrees from SEU have become the leading figures in the research area of the history and theory of arts in China; many of our outstanding alumni who won the BA degrees of arts from our school have gone on to become the backbone in the fields of artistic practice throughout the country. In 2008, Chinese Education published its education quality assessment-- the first education assessment by authoritative institution in China-- said that the graduate education of our school ranked third in China. Our Discipline of Art Study was rated twice as "key discipline" in Jiangsu Province from the period of the 10th five-year plan to the 11th five-year plan. In 2007, collaborated with the department of ethics, we successfully accomplished philosophic and social science innovation base projects named "Second Stage 985-project Program" supported by the Ministry of Education, with the purpose of promoting the interdisciplinary collaborative research of science, arts and ethics. In 2007 our Discipline of Art Study of Southeast University was added to the list as one of the national key disciplines by the Ministry of education, until now it is both the only arts national key discipline in Jiangsu province and the only arts theory of the first-class national key disciplines. Many important research projects , such as national" 985 Projects of the third period" projects, “art and creative industry research" philosophy and social science base projects, the national "211 Projects", “arts theory research and Application on new platform” projects, “philosophy and social science key research base projects of Jiangsu universities” were hosted by our school. In 2011, our artistic theory discipline was rated as Jiangsu provincial level key discipline. The school of Arts implements open teaching and research policy. We look forward to collaborating with more well-known domestic and foreign universities, research institutes and cultural enterprises and institutions of arts and culture all over the world in the field of research and art education. At present, the School of arts of Southeast University has grown into China's art education and research center. Widely recognized for our unique interdisciplinary environment, the School of Arts at SEU has become one of the most important bases of art education and research in China. We warmly welcome friends who have interests in arts at home and abroad, and jointly push forward the research of arts and the development of education. 责任编辑:王洁 |